Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life for HerStory Theater

Herstory Theater, in partnership with The Mark Twain House & Museum, presents the holiday classic It's A Wonderful Life performed in the style of old-time radio theater, including a sound effects artist.

The fun and exciting holiday event takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7 in the Mark Twain House Museum Center with two performances at 2 and 7 pm. The play is written by Joe Landry and is directed by Virginia Wolf.

George Bailey, Zuzu, Clarence the Angel, and grumpy old Mr. Potter are turning Hartford into Bedford Falls this year! Come relive the story of a man who gets to see what life would have been like if he had never been born. (And there's even a Twain connection--when Clarence is pulled out of the water, he dries off his copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer!)

When the film "It's A Wonderful Life" was released in 1946, it was not an immediate popular or financial success, but its reputation grew over the years, and a clerical error resulting in the loss of copyright protection resulted in it being shown widely during the Christmas season every year. It has become a phenomenon, and many don't feel that their holiday season is complete without watching it.

Now, there's a very unique opportunity to revisit this wonderful story--in a fun, live radio-show performance, complete with a foley (sound effects) artist!

The cast and crew include: Betsey Maguire, Chris Berrien, Susan Saks, Patrick Spadaccino, Bob Muscatel,
Jomarie Pipolo, Marty Moran, Ann Baldwin, Mark Englehart, John Swanson, Ian Galligan (foley artist), Kathryn Lewis (stage manager).

The performance is 90 minutes with no intermission.Tickets are $10: 860- 280-3130;  itsawonderfullife.brownpapertickets.com.

Herstory Theater is a non-union, professional theater company based in Connecticut providing educational performances that are suitable (and inspirational) for schools, museums, historic societies, libraries, and any groups who are interested in history.

The Mark Twain House and Musuem at 351 Farmington Ave., Hartford, are open Monday through Saturday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and Sunday, noon to 5:30 pm.

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